Tamara, 66 y.o., Russia, Moscow
Last visit:
Main info
First name: Tamara
Age: 66
Location: Russia, Moscow
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Weight: 73kg
Height: 173cm
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dyed
Body type: Average
Smoking Frequency: Never
Drinking Frequency: Never
Sleeping habits: Does not matter
With information:
Do you have children?:
43 y.o. boy, not living at home
German 1(Basic)
Marital status: Divorced
Want children: No
Do you agree to move ?:
I agree to move to another country
Your priorities in life:
Family, long-term relationship
Balance of mind
Stability, safety
Your income: I live on a pension/welfare
In my property: A flat/an apartment
Where do you live?: Separate flat/apartment
What do you think about travelling and meeting expenses: Each party should pay for themselves
Education: Graduate degree
Job title: Retired
What religion do you practice?: Orthodox
Age: 65 - 76
Country: Western Europe
Weight: 74.91 - 97.61 kg
Height: 180 - 198 cm
Eye colour: Any
Hair colour: Any
Is it okay if they have children?: Yes but living separately
Body type: Average
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Occasionally(Socially)
Ethnic Preference: White/Caucasian

Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
каждый человек видит другого человека по своему, мое описание о себе может быть абсолютно противоположно мнению другого человека
How would you describe your ideal partner?
я не ищу идеального портера, если это мой человек, то принимаю его таким, какой он есть
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
продолжала бы жить также
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
купила бы дом в экологически чистом и спокойном месте, стало очень тяжело жить в Москве, без пафоса, пожертвовала бы на благотворительность
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
с сыном
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
беречь себя
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
рождение ребенка
The last books that you read?
Александр Герцен "Былое и думы"
What are your goals now?
Цели были в молодости, сейчас наслаждаюсь жизнью, просто упиваюсь наличием свободного времени
Whom do you admire?
Do you have a lot of friends?
было много, сейчас люблю покой
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
пустые обещания
What would you like to change in yourself?
What are your weaknesses?
наши недостатки-это наши достоинства, они делают нас индивидуальными
What are your strengths ?
их много
How do friends view you?
с каждым человеком мы ведем себя по-разному, поэтому и друзья имеют разное мнение обо мне
How do acquaintances view you?
не знаю их мнения
What are your favourite games?
не играю
Who are your favourite writers and poets?
Чехов, Паустовский, Толстой, раньше очень любила Достоевского, стихи Вероники Тушновой
What kinds of music do you like?
What is your favourite food?
белый хлеб с подсушенной, хрустящей корочкой
What are your favourite films?
What is your favourite fairy-tale?
сказки не люблю
What is your favourite activity or hobby?
домашнее цветоводство
What is your dream job?
не мечтаю
Tell us about your dream partner.
я хочу встретить человека, с которым нам будет хорошо вдвоем
Where do you want to live?
там, где живет мой сын- это Германия
Do I enjoy gardening?
It's OK - if it is done for me
Do I enjoy grocery shopping?
I like it very much
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?
I like it very much
Do I enjoy cooking?
I like cooking
How often do I like to go out?
Once a week
Do I enjoy dining out?
Not really keen
When it comes to TV
Turn it off
When it comes to money
I buy only what I need, I save the rest
Describe myself at a party as a
Impartial observer
Keep my space
It's spic and span
Ideally I would like to live in a
house in the suburbs
Preference for pets
Don't have but like Cats, Dogs, Fish, Birds
What type of television programs do I enjoy watching most?
I enjoy spending free time
Curling up with a good book, With family, Visiting a museum or gallery, Catching up on household chores, Taking a class, Pursuing a hobby, Taking a walk, Browsing the Internet
Activities that I enjoy
Camping, Dancing, Walking
Sports that I enjoy watching and/or playing
Figure skating, Olympic sports
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy
Concerts, Museum/arts, Reading, Surfing the web
Other hobbies or interests
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